Download Luigi’s Mansion 64 ALPHA

Use the ParallelN64 emulator to play the game without problems!
Things you should know about the alpha version:

- When you enter the Gallery (i.e. the mirror room) don't go through to door you came in from go through the regular door.
- When entering Horror Land with a new game it displays the pop up messege as The Haunted Grave Yard.
- When you get the key in the second Bowser battle you will warp back as if you lost, don't worry about that because you will still have the key and can unlock the door.
- The Cursed castle and King Boo's Aquariaum have no sound as the Music file inserted was large.
- You can not view the credits as Jolly Roger bay was replaced by the title screen.
- Skelux's music fix patch for some magical reason did not work on this so the music will still play when a text box is gone.
Filename Size Note
Luigi's Mansion 64 ALPHA 8.91MB Hack