Pokémon Cursed

Pokémon Cursed
Console Gameboy Advance
Developer Joexv
Genre RPG
Region English
Year 2016
Downloads 518
5/5 (1 vote)
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Halloween night was frigid and spooky, yet the air was filled with the joyful laughter of children on their way to collect their loot. It looked like the perfect Halloween setting, and I was about to miss out on all the fun if I stayed inside. My original plan involved trick-or-treating and then challenging the local gym. But I had no idea this spooky Halloween night would be the beginning of a story that would eternally terrify me.


Even at 16, I realized that my approach to ghost hunting was unusual. Most people would write it off as little more than a game, and I admit that was my initial reaction. But as I stepped into the unknown, my perspective was about to change radically.


I don’t know what possessed me to go where I knew I shouldn’t have gone. My curiosity at the time led me down a dangerous road. Amid the night’s shadows and eerie murmurs, I met a ghostly figure who would forever change my life.


I knew it wasn’t a Pokémon since it was a ghost. Its icy presence made my skin crawl. As I approached the ghost, I could feel the air becoming colder, and before I could react, it struck. The ghostly being killed me, and now I have to live with the guilt I feel for being so curious that it cost me my life.


What was supposed to be a thrilling Halloween trip was a terrifying ordeal that will stay with me forever. The enigmatic “Pokémon Cursed” had finally been unmasked, and now I had to deal with the fallout of my reckless exploration.

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