Pokémon Dark Blue

Pokémon Dark Blue
Console Gameboy Advance
Developer Jaizu
Genre RPG
Region Spanish
Year 2008
Downloads 365
5/5 (1 vote)
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Another Pokemon ROM Hack made by its developer, Lex, is known as Pokemon DarkBlue. It is modeled after the Pokemon Ruby version. Since Lex hails from Spain, he is motivated to develop a Spanish version of the Pokemon Hack for the enjoyment of his fellow Spaniards and players there. Although it might be challenging to play in Spanish, this game is a lot of fun.

You and your closest buddy Sahori live in the wondrous region of Kanji, where you are both huge fans of Pokemon and aspire to become skilled trainers of the creatures. The Pokemon Researcher and mother of Sahori, Kagome, encourages both of her children to follow their passions and achieve their goals. Along the process, you get to know a lot of individuals and put your skills to the test against 8 GYM Leaders. The game will begin with you doing that.


– New graphics
– New region Kanji
– New characters and rivals
– Great storyline and events
– Pokemon from Sinnoh Region

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