Pokémon Fellito

Pokémon Fellito
Console Gameboy Advance
Developer Fellito
Genre RPG
Region French
Year 2015
Downloads 291
5/5 (1 vote)
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This version is a hacked version of the Pokémon Emerald video game, and it includes Pokémon from the first three generations (in addition you can find pokemon from 1G and 2G from the start of the game). Because, let’s be honest, many of us hold on to our starter until the third or fourth badge as we wait for a great squad, I developed it with the intention of bringing the thrill of capture back to the players.

The original Pokémon games have always been frustrating to me for a few specific reasons, including the overly easy difficulty, arena leaders who have only two Pokémon, the incredible number of Rattata that appear throughout the game, the incredible number of useless objects that appear on the ground, and the fact that if we find small Pokémon, there must necessarily be larger evolutions that have generated them, right?

Because of this, I made the following adjustments:

  • A significant boost in the game’s level of difficulty has been implemented.
  • You have a chance of discovering double or triple evolutions in the thick grass, which will assist you in overcoming this challenge; however, these evolutions will learn their moves more slowly and will be more difficult to capture.
  • In addition, the items that may be purchased in the shop all have varying prices, and some of them are more expensive than others.
  • Some of the items that may be found in the wild have been modified.
  • It is up to you to track down the Pokémon that are carrying very exquisite held items.
  • And last but not least, a trio of formidable first-stage Pokémon: Lokhlass, Scarhino, and Absol.
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