Pokemon Retrieved FireRed

Pokemon Retrieved FireRed
Console Gameboy Advance
Developer tzujm33
Genre Role-Playing , RPG
Region World
Downloads 736
3/5 (2 votes)
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Is your appetite whetted for a trip down memory lane with a modern twist? “Pokemon Retrieved FireRed” is a wonderful update to the original Pokemon FireRed, providing a refreshing new challenge and several welcome quality-of-life enhancements. This groundbreaking modification is the first of its kind, giving gamers a second chance to encounter Pokemon cut from the Gold and Silver beta.


Enhancing every aspect of the game, “Pokemon Retrieved FireRed” elevates the classic FireRed experience to new heights. There have been numerous enhancements made to improve the experience overall. This hack has been meticulously crafted to enhance every facet of your experience as a Pokemon Trainer, from the streamlined menu options to the enhanced graphics and music.


Pokemon intended for the Gold and Silver beta but not included in the final editions are being added back in as part of this hack, making it all the more exciting. Catching, training, and fighting with Pokemon that have been kept secret for years adds a new and exciting dimension to the game.


While “Pokemon Retrieved FireRed” stays true to the primary storyline of the original FireRed game, it adds a new twist that will keep gamers interested. After defeating the Elite Four a second time, the story will end, leaving you with a pivotal test of your mettle.


  • Kanto hosts an array of 300 Pokemon.
  • 151 classic Kanto Pokemon featured, excluding Dugtrio and Raichu, replaced by Alola forms.
  • All evolutionary stages introduced in later generations are included.
  • Gen 2 Pokemon that appeared in Kanto during G/S/C make an appearance.
  • Most of the scrapped G/S/C Beta Pokemon have been resurrected.
  • The recent revelation of five scrapped Gen 1 Pokemon is incorporated.
  • The formidable Gorochu joins the roster.
  • An additional 46 Pokemon enhance the Elite Four challenge and fill type gaps.
  • Rinrin, Tigrette, and Wolfman take the spotlight as starter choices.
  • Every route leading to the Elite Four showcases at least two new Pokemon lines.
  • Trainer levels receive a 10%-20% boost for an intensified challenge.
  • Gym Leaders now employ Pokemon from the same egg group, not just type.
  • In-battle item usage is disabled, and battle style is fixed.
  • Fresh moves and abilities from Leon’s rom base expand your tactical options.
  • Say goodbye to trade evolutions; they’re a thing of the past.
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