Pokémon Strongest Evolution

Pokémon Strongest Evolution
Console Gameboy Advance
Developer Tabin
Genre RPG
Region Chinese
Year 2013
Downloads 511
5/5 (1 vote)
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The tale of the original Pokémon Emerald version is told in Pokémon: Strongest Evolution. This version has not been significantly altered from the original.

You are a Pokemon trainer who engages in daily practice and battles to improve your skills. You never take a break from your training since you have the long-term goal of becoming a Pokemon master. You remember hearing that there is a technique known as Mega Evolution that can take your Pokemon to the next stage of evolution. You may be wondering: Is this really the case? Isn’t this a system that’s based on myths? You make the decision to investigate what the actual meaning is. You are going to run through a number of various challenges on your journey to obtain this Mega Evolution technique.

Do you have what it takes to become the most formidable Pokémon trainer in the history of the franchise? Do you intend to triumph over every foe that stands in your way? To get started, go ahead and get the Mega Evolution!


– Map redone.
– The layout of some cities is changed.
– Battle backgrounds are changed.
– Mega Evolution for your Pokemon.
– And other…

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