Pokémon Thunder Yellow

Pokémon Thunder Yellow
Console Gameboy Advance
Developer Undi & Gaddin
Genre RPG
Region French
Year 2014
Downloads 736
4/5 (2 votes)
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We are pleased to introduce “Pokémon Thunder Yellow,” a reimagining of the Pokémon Yellow Version video game that includes quite a few new additions.


  • A whole new, squeaky clean title screen!
  • Pikachu has been taken captive by Professor Chen.
  • Unique Pikachu! Along the lines of the Thunder Yellow V1 design!
  • These are the same trainers that can be seen in Pokémon Yellow Version!
  • These are the same wild Pokémon that were available in the POKÉMON YELLOW VERSION!
  • Only the 151 starter Pokémon are allowed before the league begins.
  • Available Pokemon include Electhor, Artikodin, Sulfura, Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Ho-oh, Entei, Suicune, Raikou, and Celebi.
  • The three starters, Bulbizarre, Salamèche, and Carapuce, are accessible in the same locations as they were in the Pokémon Yellow Version.
  • Pokémon that are not ordinarily able to be captured in the YELLOW VERSION will be made available (such as ASPICT), allowing you to complete your Pokédex if you speak with as many people as possible.
  • Our hero decides to go for a bright yellow instead of the gloomy red!
  • The opponent possesses an EVOLI!
  • Starting script was rewritten to make it possible for the opponent to steal his starter!
  • A Sprite of the YELLOW VERSION that has been updated.
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