Pokémon Crystal Kaizo

Pokémon Crystal Kaizo
Console GameBoy Color
Developer SinisterHoodedFigure
Genre RPG
Region English
Year 2014
Downloads 254
5/5 (1 vote)
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This is a far more challenging hack of Pokémon Crystal Version, which allows you to obtain all 251 Pokémon from the second generation.

A great deal of the building has been remodeled. The danger level of a great number of dungeons and paths has been increased. Every trainer in the game that is not a boss has their stats increased, and the game’s basic attacks have been made far more dangerous. There is a significant danger posed by the individuals who make up Team Rocket, most notably its leaders.

There has been a significant increase in the distribution of wild Pokémon. You will have the opportunity to capture a wide range of Pokémon rather early on in the game. In addition, the Watchman’s Strange Egg has a chance of hatching a Shiny Pokémon. This Shiny Pokémon could be one of the starter Pokémon, Minidraco, Embrylex, one of the two, Debugant, Magby, Lippouti, Elekid, or an Eevee. It could also be one of the two Shiny Pokémon that are a combination of the two.

Roigada, which previously could only grow into commercial evolution by using a water stone, may now evolve into commercial evolution simply by increasing its level. The Sun Stone and the Moon Stone are required in order for Eevee to develop into Mentali and Noctali, respectively. As soon as you reach Doublonville, which is where the difficulty of the game will begin to increase, you will be able to buy stones.

Every major boss in the game is equipped with a Shiny Pokémon, and with the exception of the opponents you face right at the beginning of the game, every boss in the game has a full team of six Pokémon, complete with harmful attacks, healing items, and so on.

After you have collected all seven badges, you will go up against very powerful foes armed with highly developed Pokémon that pose a threat to you.

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