Super Mario Sunshine Multiplayer

Super Mario Sunshine Multiplayer
Console GameCube
Developer CyberTanuki
Genre Action , Platformer
Region English
Year 2017
Downloads 1,653
4.5/5 (2 votes)
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Have you played Super Mario 64 Multiplayer to exhaustion? Do you want to play its successor, Super Mario Sunshine, which is in an open world format, with another player? You need this Rom Hack in your life! You will also be able to play online with a friend using a feature called Netplay, which is a pleasant perk that is made possible by the capabilities of Dolphin.

As its name indicates, Super Mario Sunshine Multiplayer is a hack for multiplayer games in which the first player takes on the role of Mario, and the second player assumes the role of Anti-Mario. In light of this, the inclusion of Anti Mario as a playable character for a second player seems odd given that he is the one responsible for spoiling Mario’s vacation more than anybody else.

Collaborate with Anti-Mario, who has the power to pick up Mario and hurl him. Anti-Mario can do both. Even though he does not possess a second F.L.U.D.D., he is able to spin about and spray water in the nooks and crannies of the room. Additionally, he has a health bar.

Combining the new with the old? Come to your own conclusion!

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