Super Smash Bros. Melee 20XX Hack Pack

Super Smash Bros. Melee 20XX Hack Pack
Console GameCube
Developer achilles1515
Genre Fighting
Region English , Japanese
Year 2014
Downloads 1,859
5/5 (2 votes)
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Super Smash Bros. Melee 20XX Hack Pack is a hack of Super Smash Bros. Melee that was created by Achilles1515. Its purpose is to assist players in preparing for competitions by providing them with more challenges and options. Because player characters’ attacks and traits have not been altered, players may use what they have learned from playing 20XX to Melee and continue to do so regularly.

Fixed an issue that caused Ganondorf’s Warlock Punch to cause the game to become unresponsive.

Fixed an issue that caused the game to become unresponsive whenever the Event Match menu was opened.

The requirement for lagless FoD has been lowered from 4+ players to 3+ players. As a result of the newly implemented code to eliminate latency in FoD, the “legal stages only” option in All-Star mode now includes FoD stages.

The game would become unplayable if you toggled the 20XXTE Input Display setting.

The name of the game’s picture has been changed from “… 4.06” to “…4.07.”

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