GoldenEye with Mario Characters

GoldenEye with Mario Characters
Console Nintendo 64 (Download Rom)
Developer StupidMarioBros1Fan
Genre Action , FPS
Region English
Year 2018
Downloads 1,509
4.5/5 (4 votes)
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This hack replaces all of GoldenEye 007 for the Nintendo 64’s characters with Mario-themed versions of themselves.


James Bond: Mario
Natalya Simonova: Peach
Alec Trevelyan: Luigi
Xenia Onnatop: Daisy
Arkady Ourumov: Bowser
Boris Grishenko: Yoshi
Dimitri Mishkin: Donkey Kong
Valentin Zukovsky: Wario
May Day: Pauline
Oddjob: Toad
Jaws: Waluigi
Baron Samedi: Rainbow Bowser, the Powered-Up version of Bowser from Super Mario 64
Soldiers/Civilians/Scients – Koopa Troopas

In order to make advantage of the Random Head system, heads now have distinct expressions, and caps and helmets have been substituted with miniature models with Bounding Boxes of 0 because they would be hit first despite being inside the head. Random Heads are still in use. Thought about putting them into sunglasses, but it would still be struck first before the back of the head did, and it was generally frustrating in a way that wasn’t fair. The position of Defense Minister has been given to May Day/Pauline, and Donkey Kong has been demoted to the position of Head of Special Forces. Mishkin once held this position. This was done both to give Pauline a part in the tale and to explain why the “Great Guards” utilize DK’s body. Pauline was given a role in the plot because of this. The author believes that the concept of Toad “blending in” with the other scientists is absurd because Dr. Doak has been transformed into Oddjob/Toad in order to provide him with some type of function in the narrative.

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