Super Mario 3D World 64

Super Mario 3D World 64
Console Nintendo 64 (Download Rom)
Developer Kaze Emanuar
Genre Platformer
Region English
Year 2017
Downloads 7,517
3.4/5 (27 votes)
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The Super Mario 3D World 64 hack was developed by Kaze Emanuar and released in 2017. It is a modification of the Super Mario 64 video game.

You may choose to play as one of five distinct playable characters, each of them has its own set of skills and voice. When you are on the screen for file select or act select, you can choose a character by using the dpad.
Mario: Mario has the ability to spin through the air.
Luigi: Has a really impressive vertical jump, yet he is quite slick.
Toad: He can move quickly, but his vertical leap is limited. In addition to that, he has a really irritating manner of speaking. If you are interested in things of that nature…
Peach: She has the ability to float for a short period of time.
Rosalina: She is able to perform a midair spin jump.

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