Super Mario Run 64

The Mini ROM-Hack known as Super Mario Run 64 was developed by Kaze Emanuar and made available on September 8, 2016. Its purpose is to be as similar to Super Mario Run as possible. Additionally, it was published in order to cut down on the amount of time spent waiting for Kaze’s forthcoming massive breach. There is only one level, and a total of exactly 100 coins may be earned.

The gameplay is identical to that of Super Mario Run in that Mario always advances in a continuous and automated manner to the right until he either wall kicks an opponent or falls off of an edge, at which point he begins traveling to the left. The goal of the game is to reach the finish line, which is indicated by a checkered platform, while simultaneously amassing the most number of coins you can. Because the player only has one chance to try again, even one failure will result in the game is over.

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