The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time – Chaos Edition

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time – Chaos Edition
Console Nintendo 64 (Download Rom)
Developer Kaze Emanuar
Genre Adventure
Region English
Year 2015
Downloads 1,590
4/5 (3 votes)
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This version of Ocarina of Time is known as the Chaos Edition. Those of you who are already familiar with Super Mario 64: Chaos Edition will feel right at home with this update, but for the rest of us, the gist of what it does is that it switches certain codes on and off at random. But there is so much more to it than that; a situation in which you are constantly walking backward at maximum speed while the camera bugs out and C-Right has overwritten your bombs with Farore’s Wind isn’t just possible; it’s practically business as usual. This isn’t the only thing that’s going on here; there are a lot of other things going on as well. It should be made clear that playing this game is in no way enjoyable under any circumstances. At its best, it is barely workable, and at its worst, it is an unplayable mess that demands an almost neurotic degree of savestating and frame delimiters. Both of these things are required when it comes to the worst case scenario. Any text box might result in a soft lock, even the slightest movement could cause scripting to fail, and essential items that are required to finish the game could be overwritten long before you ever get a chance to obtain them. To tell you the truth, the fact that the Deku Tree can be defeated at all is something of a minor miracle; forget about the rest of the game.

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