Pokemon Emerald: Trashlocke Edition

Pokemon Emerald: Trashlocke Edition
Console Gameboy Advance
Developer PokemonChallenges
Genre Role-Playing , RPG
Region World
Downloads 9,607
3.7/5 (23 votes)
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Get ready for an experience unlike any other in the Pokémon series with “Pokemon Emerald: Trashlocke Edition.” This modified ROM for the Game Boy Advance takes the traditional Pokémon game Emerald and turns it into a thrilling challenge for experienced trainers and those just starting. This special version takes you on an adventure like no other through the Hoenn region.


The refined Pokedex is one of the most notable additions to this updated version. The developers of “Pokemon Emerald: Trashlocke Edition” set out to challenge players’ preconceptions of the Pokémon universe by giving them encounters that break the rules. Every Pokémon in the Generation 3 National Dex was discussed at length on the developer’s Twitch chat to determine whether or not they would be included in the game.


The modifications to the game largely affect random encounters and interactions with wild Pokémon. In addition, additional NPCs have been added to block access to specific zones, making this an even greater challenge. The major objective is to provide a welcome change of pace from your regular Pokémon adventure by challenging players to beat “Pokemon Emerald” using Pokémon that are often regarded as mediocre or less desirable.


The “Pokemon Emerald: Trashlocke Edition” was designed with the Nuzlocke challenge in mind. The Nuzlocke restrictions, such as permanent fainting and few opportunities to catch your breath, make for a tense and exciting adventure. You’re not required to stick to this mode if it doesn’t fit your preferences; play the game however you like.


Due consideration was given to the lack of trade evolutions when designing the game’s balance. Pokémon like Onix, Machoke, and Haunter, which generally only appear in games as trade-evolved forms, are now playable and can be used in your team.


  • Altered encounters to feature undesirable Pokémon.
  • Modified the initial choices to Slugma, Sunkern, and Goldeen.
  • Adjusted static encounters with Pokémon.
  • Limited entry to specific locations.
  • I tweaked the introductory cinematic scene.
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