Dragon Ball: Budokai AF is a version of Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3 that was inspired by the popular fan-fiction Dragon Ball AF (After Future), which is intended to mirror the events of Dragon Ball GT. The original game was created by Dimps. The game offers new characters, in addition to its redesigned menu and its alternate scenario. One of these characters is the famed Super Saiyan 5, who has been the subject of teenage fantasies for a whole generation. But in point of fact, it boils down to a question of how cleverly the original actors can be recast.
Dragon Ball: Budokai AF
Console | Playstation 2 |
Developer | PrinceGasVegeta |
Genre | Adventure , Fighting |
Region | English |
Year | 2004 |
Downloads | 5,645 |
4/5 (16 votes)
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