Kaizo Mario World 2

Kaizo Mario World 2
Console Super Nintendo
Developer Takemoto
Genre Action , Platformer
Region English
Year 2007
Downloads 2,321
5/5 (1 vote)
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This is the second phase of the Kaizo Mario World. Those of you who arrive here, please give up all of your dreams.

T. Takemoto, an unknown Japanese ROM hacker, is responsible for the creation of Kaizo Mario, which is a ROM hack of Super Mario World. It was designed to cause you physical pain and bring tears to your eyes. The game has challenging jumps that need precise timing, as well as jumps over many obstacles at once and a large number of dangerous traps along the path.

Kaizo A lot of talent, patience, and sanity are required to beat Mario. It’s quite likely that you’re cheating if you’re not dying once every fifteen seconds. If you finish the game and don’t have nightmares about chompers, then you haven’t completed the first level of the game. If discovering invisible coin blocks is something you enjoy doing, you won’t after playing this game; you will curse regardless of whether or not you locate one that assists you. If you come upon a mushroom, you shouldn’t consider yourself lucky since it will disappear again very quickly. You won’t get away with anything, the game will treat you like you’re made of concrete and spit all over you.

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