Based on the animated television series of the same name, Avatar: The Last Airbender chronicles the exploits of a group of youngsters who live in an Asian-inspired fantasy world where nations are split into four traditional elements: air, water, earth, and fire. Benders are people who can manipulate that one element inside each nation. The Avatar is a person who has mastery over the four elements and is tasked with maintaining peace in the four countries. However, the Avatar had vanished 100 years before, allowing the Fire Nation to launch a global conquest campaign. The new Avatar, Aang (originally an Airbender, hence the series title), was discovered as the series began. He must now travel the world, learning to bend all four elements and fight the Fire Nation alongside his friends Katara (a Waterbender of the Water Tribe) and Sokka (her older brother).
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Console | Nintendo DS (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | THQ |
Developer | THQ Studio Oz |
Genre | Action , Adventure , Role-Playing |
Region | Europe |
Downloads | 1,981 |
Size | 49.73 M |
Released | October 10, 2006 |
5/5 (3 votes)
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