Ben 10 Omniverse is based on a new series in the world-famous Ben 10 franchise! In a new action game, players will enter the intriguing Omniverse realm, where Ben finds that unknown events from the past are impacting the present. In an epic plot spanning two periods, play as both Teen Ben and Young Ben and collaborate with your new buddy Rook to thwart Malware’s wicked ambitions! Select from 13 playable alien heroes, including new aliens such as Gravattack and Shocksquatch, and battle in 18 action-packed levels set in the subterranean alien city of Undertown and other show-inspired locations. When a tweak to Ben’s Omnitrix goes awry, his new companion, Rook, is sent back to meet Ben when he was 10. Rook and Young Ben clash with the villain Malware, who absorbs Rook’s proto-tool for new abilities, ushering in a terrible alternate future. Play as both Teen Ben and Young Ben, and collaborate with your new companion, Rook, to solve crimes, repair both the past and the present, and resist Malware’s terrible ambitions to destroy the planet!
Ben 10: Omniverse
Console | Nintendo DS (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | D3Publisher |
Developer | 1st Playable Productions |
Genre | Action , Adventure |
Downloads | 3,760 |
Size | 26.88 M |
Released | November 13, 2012 |
4.4/5 (7 votes)
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