The first installment of the Inazuma Eleven series was released for the Nintendo DS in 2009, and Inazuma Eleven 2 is the sequel to that game. This sequel picks up where the original game, Inazuma Eleven, left off, continuing the story of adolescent goalkeeper and team leader Mark Evans and taking place right after the events of that game. Following the conclusion of the last game, in which the school was victorious in the football competition, it is abruptly assaulted by unknown extraterrestrial beings. To stop the aliens from destroying the earth, Mark and the other members of the Raimon Eleven will need to discover the best football players that Japan has to offer and then compete against them in a game of football.
Inazuma Eleven 2: Firestorm
Console | Nintendo DS (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Nintendo |
Developer | Level-5 |
Genre | Role-Playing , Sports |
Region | Germany |
Downloads | 3,915 |
Size | 197.08 M |
Released | March 16, 2012 |
3.7/5 (16 votes)
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