An alien from planet FM named Omega-Xis manages to get away and alert a brave young kid named Geo Stelar about an impending extraterrestrial invasion of Earth. Together, they are tasked with combating the extraterrestrials that reside within the electromagnetic system known as the Wave Road and combining their powers to become the ultimate champion of Earth: Mega Man! Play with up to six pals to get advantages in battle, such as Favorite Cards, Link Abilities, the Best Combo, Connecting, and Transforming. The Dynamic Brother Band system allows for this. Invoke the Power of the Elements and use the Wood Shot to attack your foes with leaves honed to a razor’s edge. New Combat System: Fight from a third-person perspective by entering the Wave Road to engage in combat!
Mega Man Star Force: Dragon
Console | Nintendo DS (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Capcom |
Developer | Capcom |
Genre | Action , Platform |
Downloads | 3,435 |
Size | 21.01 M |
Released | August 7, 2007 |
4.3/5 (3 votes)
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