Junpei, a college student who leads a very ordinary life, is suddenly drawn into a sinister plot he cannot predict or anticipate. He jolts to consciousness on an ancient passenger ship, stunned and disoriented, as he fumbles around the chamber to retrieve his memories. The first item that caught his attention was a number scribbled on the cottage entrance. A number 5 in a brilliant shade of crimson. After that, Junpei’s memories returned, and he recalled everything that had happened just before he lost consciousness! A shadowy figure wearing a gas mask sprang into his head at one point. He couldn’t forget the chilling things that the man had said: “I’m going to make you play the game, the Nonary Game, the game of life or death.”
Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
Console | Nintendo DS (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Aksys Games |
Developer | Chunsoft |
Genre | Adventure , Visual Novel |
Region | World |
Downloads | 2,897 |
Size | 101.23 M |
Released | November 16, 2010 |
5/5 (2 votes)
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