Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions is an action-packed adventure across four radically distinct parallel worlds, each of which has its version of Spider-Man and is equipped with its own set of special abilities. Each breathtaking world features its unique artistic style and an exciting gameplay mode with complex skill sets that players must master to unlock more powerful new techniques. Discover dramatic and breathtaking new landscapes, take control of mind-blowing new abilities, and engage in epic boss battles against unique enemies. Discover the renowned superhero in a way that has never been done before four distinct universes. There are four individual incarnations of Spider-Man. A unique and unforgettable adventure!
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions
Console | Nintendo DS (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Activision |
Developer | Griptonite Games |
Genre | Action , Adventure , Platform |
Downloads | 6,146 |
Size | 38.73 M |
Released | September 7, 2010 |
3.8/5 (10 votes)
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