Tenchu: Dark Secret

Tenchu: Dark Secret
Console Nintendo DS (Download Emulator)
Publisher From Software.
Developer Polygon Magic
Genre Action , Adventure , Stealth
Region Japan
Downloads 2,807
Size 56 M
Released April 6, 2006
5/5 (1 vote)
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Tenchu: Dark Secret puts you in the shoes of ninja assassins tasked with saving a princess’s life. Stalk your foes with your sword, place explosive traps in the underbrush, or attack with various authentic ninja equipment – the option is yours. Over 40 single-player missions and the opportunity to create weapons and stuff are available. Test your metal skills by challenging pals to a local wifi multiplayer match. Tenchu: Dark Secret has three distinct modes and many choices to make each game new and exciting. Whether you’re sneaking through a bamboo grove to stab your friend in the back or constructing a trap to take his prized dumplings, you’ll need a towel to wipe the sweat off your hands. Do you require a new bamboo trap? Are you low on shurikins? Simply go online. Tenchu: Dark Secret players may purchase, sell, and trade things using the Nintendo Wi-Fi connection. You have the option of transacting with either friends or strangers.

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