Tom and Jerry Tales is an animated television series aired on The CW in the United States from September 23, 2006[1] until March 22, 2008, lasting 26 episodes and two seasons (13 episodes each). The series stars the Tom and Jerry shorts’ title characters and is the first made-for-television adaptation of the cartoons to mimic the theatrical shorts. Before his death, Tom and Jerry co-creator Joseph Barbera worked as an executive producer on the show’s first season. He gained story credit on several short cartoons from Warner Bros. Animation in 2005. Each episode comprises three short cartoons around the same length as the original theatrical shorts. In addition, each of the three air shows in a 30-minute episode has a theme.
Tom and Jerry Tales
Console | Nintendo DS (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Warner Brothers |
Downloads | 1,976 |
Size | 16.88 M |
Released | October 31, 2006 |
5/5 (2 votes)
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