Die Hard: Vendetta

Die Hard: Vendetta
Console Nintendo GameCube (Download Emulator)
Publisher Sierra
Developer Bits Studios
Genre Action , Shooter
Region United States
Downloads 2,367
Size 1.1G
Released November 15, 2002
4/5 (2 votes)
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McClane returns. He works for the Century City Police Department (CCPD) in Los Angeles after many years in New York. You’re John facing a new threat. Piet Gruber, Hans Gruber’s son and McClane’s old enemy, misbehaves at the Townsend Art Museum. He stole valuable paintings and kidnapped Lucy, John’s adult daughter and CCPD officer. This FPS has Stealth Mode and Hero Time. John can sneak around and take hostages in Stealth Mode. Given the possibility of arrest, it may not be wise to charge with guns blazing. Like Bullet Time in Max Payne, Hero Time lets John react faster. Heroes save hostages and earn Hero Time.

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