Digimon World 4, sometimes called Digimon World X in Japan, is the second video game in the Digimon series to be released simultaneously for the GameCube, PlayStation 2, and Xbox game consoles. The previous Digimon games were role-playing games, while Digimon World 4 is a hack-and-slash video game that can accommodate up to four players and features a gameplay style known as “hack and slash.” The film Digital Monster X-Evolution inspires the video game (in fact, the opening sequence of the game features footage taken directly from the film). The PAL region did not receive the Nintendo GameCube version when it was released.
Digimon World 4
Console | Nintendo GameCube (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Bandai |
Developer | BEC |
Genre | Action , Role-Playing |
Region | United States |
Downloads | 2,038 |
Size | 639M |
Released | June 1, 2005 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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