Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disc: Version 14

Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disc: Version 14
Console Nintendo GameCube (Download Emulator)
Downloads 340
Size 1.03 G
Released January 1, 2004
5/5 (1 vote)
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The following movies and demos are all watchable and may be found on this demo disc: Demos Include: The Mario Kart game known as Double Dash Custom Movies in the Robo Sonic Heroes franchise include: Pokemon Colosseum Metroid: Zero Mission (GBA) The Complete Crystal Chronicles of Final Fantasy Custom Street Robo NFL Robo The Underground Edition of Need for Speed The Sims: Bustin’ Out I-Ninja Megaman Anniversary Collection 007: Everything or Nothing [The Sims: Bustin’ Out I-Ninja Megaman Anniversary Collection 007] There is one more feature that is exclusive to this disc. Another function is unlocked when a memory card is plugged into the GameCube system. This feature allows you to add a unique Pokemon to either the Ruby or Sapphire version of Pokemon. The particular Pokemon is a shiny Zigzagoon. This will also save a “berry program update” onto your game, correcting a bug in the game itself.

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