The long-running racing video game, Need For Speed continues with its seventh installment, titled Need For Speed: Underground. The movies “The Fast and the Furious” and “The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift” have had a significant impact on the video game “Underground,” which centers on illegal nocturnal street racing with massively modified import vehicles. Players can construct their racing machine using any of the game’s hundreds of authentic licensed parts and a wide variety of real-life licensed automobiles, such as the Mazda RX-7 and the Nissan Skyline GT-R. A hip-hop and hard rock soundtrack with musicians such as Mystikal, Rob Zombie, and The Crystal Method is also included in the game. Altogether, there are over one hundred single-player races.
Need for Speed: Underground
Console | Nintendo GameCube (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | EA Games |
Developer | EA Black Box |
Genre | Racing |
Region | United States |
Downloads | 19,223 |
Size | 1.0G |
Released | November 17, 2003 |
4.3/5 (40 votes)
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