Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
Console Nintendo GameCube (Download Emulator)
Publisher Ubisoft
Developer Ubisoft
Genre Action , Adventure , Platform
Region United States
Downloads 5,699
Size 1.1G
Released November 30, 2005
3.5/5 (10 votes)
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An action-adventure game that is loved by many players is Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones. What makes a lot of players participate is the attractiveness of the battles in the game. Participants will be playing the role of a prince to fight to bring peace to the palace. Exciting battles are waiting for players!


The Two Thrones gives participants an extremely epic and classic setting. The first is the appearance of the main character, set in the vast ocean. The prince and a girl on a boat floated towards the palace but were pursued by the bad guys who invaded the palace. Then, the girl sacrificed, the prince was unfortunate and went to the palace to take back what belonged to him.


What participants will experience is transforming into the main character of the prince. When becoming a prince, you will have to have many important tasks. The main task is to try to pass through the palace by running through the walls. Not only that, but also jump up or down between walls, avoid traps, climb up and jump from platform to platform. Please pay special attention to the enemy’s pursuit and avoid the fire arrows they shoot.


In this game, many skills of the prince character are significantly upgraded and improved—for example, acrobatic skills, stealth skills, or trànorming into a second personality. Players will be satisfied because they participate in exciting adventures. It could be sitting on a boat across the ocean or riding a horse on difficult roads. When you win, you will win the corresponding bonus and treasure.

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