Rally Championship

Rally Championship
Console Nintendo GameCube (Download Emulator)
Publisher Encore
Developer Warthog Games
Genre Racing
Region United States
Downloads 1,537
Size 1.2G
Released July 30, 2003
4.3/5 (3 votes)
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Includes 29 vehicles, some classics such as the Audi Quattro and the Mini Cooper. Other manufacturers represented include Subaru, Mitsubishi, Toyota, and Ford. The single-player experience provides access to 24 complete stages of the rally, with game modes including arcade, championship, and rapid race. The game also has a split-screen multiplayer option with eight courses for up to four players. This mode can be played simultaneously. The vehicles use a four-pointed physics system, emotional damage, and effects for mud, dust, and snow. The rally stages are held in various countries with varying climates and road conditions, including the United States of America, England, Wales, Scotland, Finland, and Kenya.

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