Shikigami no Shiro II

Shikigami no Shiro II
Console Nintendo GameCube (Download Emulator)
Publisher Alfa System
Developer Kids Station
Genre Action
Region Japan
Downloads 1,267
Size 1.1G
Released October 24, 2003
5/5 (1 vote)
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A group of heroes came together not too long ago to face up against this danger. The heroes were able to defeat the demons by making use of weapons that great magicians and experts in the arcane sciences crafted. This put an end to the demons’ hunger for conquest! The year is 2006, a time very far in the future. The Demon Gods and their mysterious fortress have reemerged above the sky of Tokyo City to extend their dominion over humanity and complete their conquest of the human race. Is it possible for the heroes of recent legend to come back and defeat the enemy of all mankind? The instruments necessary for defeating the gods are held hostage within the fortress where the demons make their home. These heroes carry the weight of the world’s expectations; if they fail, they will no longer have any…

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