Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Double Agent

Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Double Agent
Console Nintendo GameCube (Download Emulator)
Publisher Ubisoft
Developer Ubisoft
Genre Action , Stealth
Region United States
Downloads 6,251
Size 1.1G
Released October 17, 2006
3.4/5 (10 votes)
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Veteran agent Sam Fisher is returning. However, he has never faced an adversary of the same level as this. He needs to enter a violent terrorist gang and destroy it from the inside out if he is going to stop a devastating terrorist assault. Learn what it’s like to live as a double agent and feel the unrelenting strain and gut-wrenching dilemmas that come with it for the first time. It would be best to carefully consider the repercussions of your actions when you infiltrate the American headquarters of a terrorist organization. If you eliminate an excessive number of criminals, your cover will be blown. If we wait too long, it will be too late for millions. It would be best to do everything necessary to finish your job and avoid getting killed.

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