With the release of Eureka Seven Vol. 1: The New Wave for the PlayStation 2, the classic television show is brought to life. In this precursor to the animation that exposes the events leading up to the Eureka Seven anime series, players take on the character of Sumner Sturgeon, a government agent attempting to unravel a hidden conspiracy. In this game, players assume the role of Sumner Sturgeon. The game combines both mind-boggling board-riding action and furious mecha fighting.
Eureka Seven Vol. 1: The New Wave
Console | PS2 (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Namco Bandai |
Developer | BEC |
Genre | Action |
Downloads | 798 |
Size | 1.02 G |
Released | October 7, 2006 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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