Fight Club is a film adaptation of Chuck Palahniuk’s novel of the same name by David Fincher. Tired of consumerist American culture, a fight club is formed as a new therapy based on bare-knuckle fighting. The game focuses on battles and incorporates many characters and settings from the original story. You can create a new fighter or cloning one of the generated characters. Grappling, kung fu, and brawling are the three most common fighting styles. The moves range from simple punches to devastating activities, including broken bones, ripped clothing, and real-time facial deformation. Character Development Points (CDPs) are earned after each successful fight and can be used to upgrade or heal your character. Aside from the standard arcade, survival, and training modes, there is a story mode in which you must work your way up as a rookie to become a key player in Project Mayhem in a storyline based on the original plot very loosely. Both the PS2 and Xbox versions include an online multiplayer mode.
Fight Club
Console | PS2 (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Vivendi |
Developer | Genuine Games , Inc. , Visual Sciences Ltd. |
Genre | Fighting |
Downloads | 5,070 |
Size | 1.16 G |
Released | November 16, 2004 |
2.8/5 (14 votes)
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