Forever Kingdom is a prequel to the film Evergrace, released in 2000, and it follows the exploits of Darius, along with his traveling companions Ruyan and Faeana. The three adventurers’ souls have gotten intertwined due to a curse placed on them by an evil wizard named Darsul. They can only find a way out of their predicament by venturing into an ancient and strange realm. In contrast to the previous version, in which players cycled between two separate adventures, this version follows all three protagonists throughout the game. Although only one character can be controlled at a time, all of them share the same life bar called a Soul Gage. In addition, every character has unique physical and magical attacks that they can utilize against foes. As the leveling-up system seen in traditional role-playing games has been removed, one of the primary focuses of the player’s time developing their character is collecting various goods and weapons. Instead, a character’s equipment can affect the traits the character possesses. Alterations made to a player’s garb not only affect their performance in combat, but they also have an impact on how other characters view them. Players can receive discounts on things or knowledge that they usually wouldn’t have access to, depending on how non-player characters (NPCs) view them. Because a character’s equipment, clothing, and other items are displayed in real-time, any adjustments will immediately affect the character’s external appearance.
Forever Kingdom
Console | PS2 (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Agetec , Inc. |
Developer | FromSoftware , Inc. |
Genre | Role-Playing |
Downloads | 945 |
Size | 2.46 G |
Released | January 25, 2002 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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