The third installment in the Galaxy Angel video game series and the concluding chapter of the original trilogy is titled Galaxy Angel: Eternal Lovers. It is the first book in the second trilogy, beginning with Zettai Ryoiki no Tobira, and is the sequel to Galaxy Angel and Galaxy Angel: Moonlit Lovers. It occurs three months after the confrontation with Nefuria and the beginning of the war against the Val-Fasq. During this time, the arrival of two siblings from the seemingly surviving civilization of EDEN sets events into motion that will eventually end the threat posed by the Val-Fasq.
Galaxy Angel: Eternal Lovers
Console | PS2 (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Broccoli |
Genre | Adventure , Strategy |
Downloads | 585 |
Size | 3.55 G |
Released | February 24, 2005 |
4.2/5 (5 votes)
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