As the third installment of the. hack narrative unfolds, the state of The World continues to deteriorate due to the unchecked spread of the virus. The epidemic has not only begun to have an impact on The World within the game, but it is also beginning to have implications in the actual world. As the illegal player, Kite, you are tasked with battling through tainted cyberspace, engaging and eliminating foes while simultaneously unlocking codes to gate-hack into even more settings. If you want Orca to come out of his coma, you’re going to have to figure out who or what is driving this nightmare.
Console | PS2 (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Bandai America , Inc. |
Developer | CyberConnect2 Co. , Ltd. |
Genre | Role-Playing |
Region | Europe |
Downloads | 2,200 |
Size | 3.32 G |
Released | September 9, 2003 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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