The Kessen franchise has now returned to its roots in Japanese history and aesthetics with the release of Kessen III. The story starts in the middle of the chaotic Sengoku period in Japan, sometimes known as the “warring states” period. You take on the role of Nobunaga, a warrior who faces off against armies of samurai in order to bring order and peace back to a land that has been torn apart by conflict and misery. In order to be victorious in your battles, you need to perfect your ninja attacks, charge the battlefield with a variety of soldiers, devise cunning offensive strategies, and supply your commanders with the most powerful weapons.
Kessen III
Console | PS2 (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Koei |
Developer | Koei |
Genre | Strategy |
Downloads | 5,192 |
Size | 4.28 G |
Released | May 13, 2005 |
5/5 (2 votes)
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