In this particular iteration of the Mobile Suit Gundam series, a war has broken out between a faction of the Earth Federation known as the A.E.U.G. and a group of rebels known as the Titans. Several years after the One Year War, a group of disillusioned members of the Earth Federation came together to form the A.E.U.G., which is now waging war against the Titans. It is up to the remaining members of the EF to link up with the Titans to stop this threat.
The tale follows a Gundam pilot named Kamille Bidan, who pilots the Zeta Gundam, the game’s namesake. However, the player can choose whose side they want to fight for: the Titans/Federation or the A.E.U.G. Most games involve traveling across different environments, eliminating hostile mechs, and achieving various goals. The mechs can transform into secondary vehicles, such as aircraft, carrying even more deadly weapons.