Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3

Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3
Console PS2 (Download Emulator)
Publisher Bandai Namco Games
Developer Cyberconnect2
Genre Fighting
Region Japan
Downloads 19,667
Size 3.71 G
Released March 25, 2008
4.1/5 (33 votes)
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CyberConnect 2 had shown us with the first Naruto Ultimate Ninja that Masashi Kishimoto’s manga could, with a bit of imagination, inspire more original softs than simple traditional fighting games. CyberConnect 2 is responsible for the main adaptations of Naruto on PS2, at least the most convincing ones. The game makes use of a gameplay mechanism that is extremely cutting-edge while also being respectful of the world that the author has established. Because of this success, the developer had a difficult time locating the components that would allow him to refresh the idea in preparation for the publication of the second and third installments in the series. As a result, we are left with an episode that, thankfully, continues to offer a high level of enjoyment from the perspective of the gameplay, but is willing to rest on its laurels while adding a few fresh concepts.

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