The latest installment in the critically acclaimed Need for Speed series, Need for Speed Underground, invites players into the exciting realm of urban street racing. Compete against some of today’s most popular tuner vehicles, including those manufactured by Mitsubishi Motors, Subaru, Toyota, and many more, to win cash that can be used to buy car changes. You can pit your wits against the machine or up to four other players simultaneously online. To get to the top of the street racing world, however, you need more than just a customized street racing vehicle; you also need a specific mentality and driving ability that is razor sharp in order to compete in this cutthroat industry.
Need for Speed: Underground
Console | PS2 (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Electronic Arts |
Developer | EA Black Box |
Genre | Racing |
Downloads | 31,395 |
Size | 200.16 M |
Released | November 17, 2003 |
3.8/5 (45 votes)
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