The most recent installment in Konami’s World Soccer Winning Eleven series is known simply as World Soccer Winning Eleven 9. This season, additional clubs from the Italian Series A, Spanish La Liga, and Dutch Eredivisie Leagues, in addition to a number of other individual clubs, have been added to the competition. One hundred thirty-six clubs competing in six distinct leagues are at a player’s disposal in order to progress through the game and win one of its many cups. Enhanced graphics and artificial intelligence are also included in this update. Since it is online compatible, you will be able to compete against players from all around the world.
Pro Evolution Soccer 5
Console | PS2 (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Konami |
Developer | Konami |
Genre | Sports |
Region | Japan |
Downloads | 9,385 |
Size | 1.76 G |
Released | February 7, 2006 |
3.7/5 (11 votes)
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