In Japan, when the power of the samurai class begins to wane, the country turns to the ninja to help maintain political order during times of upheaval. Kurenai is one of these ninjas; she is driven to seek vengeance for her father’s death and is willing to use any method at her disposal to bring down the Black Lizard Clan. Kurenai is an expert user of the tetsugen, a type of wire weapon that, depending on the end attachments used and the length and strength of the wire that makes up the weapon, can either decapitate an opponent or hang them from a tree. You can get away from your pursuers more quickly if you aggressively use various strategies, such as donning disguises, using womanly wiles, and controlling your Ninjutsu powers.
Red Ninja: End of Honor
Console | PS2 (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | VU Games |
Developer | Opus |
Genre | Action , Adventure , Stealth |
Downloads | 5,808 |
Size | 1.8 G |
Released | March 30, 2005 |
3.5/5 (13 votes)
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