Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown

Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown
Console PS2 (Download Emulator)
Publisher Cinemaware
Developer Cinemaware
Genre Strategy
Downloads 3,054
Size 1.02 G
Released September 30, 2003
3.2/5 (6 votes)
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A complete remake of the classic 1986 title Defender of the Crown (not to be confused with the “Remastered” Windows version released in 2002), in Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown, the player plays as the legendary folk outlaw in his quest to reclaim the throne of England after Richard Lionheart was captured in the crusades and his brother, John Lackland, usurped the throne and left him for dead in the Holy Land, attracting the ire of several knights. During a heated debate, he accused his opponents of being traitors, ultimately leading to the outbreak of civil war. The player now takes on the role of Robin Hood himself (instead of selecting one of four imposters), the graphics are in full 3D, there is a storyline integrated into the game, and the objective of the game is to be the first to reach and conquer King John’s stronghold in Cornwall. Several of the game’s other elements have also been updated. To accomplish this goal, the player must first construct an army large enough to hold sufficient shires, which are responsible for generating income via taxes. This money could then be used to hire additional forces (peasants, archers, footmen, and the great knights and catapults), or it might be used to pay King Richard’s ransom, which would allow for the enlistment of loyalist knights.

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