Rogue Trooper

Rogue Trooper
Console PS2 (Download Emulator)
Publisher Eidos
Developer Rebellion Developments
Genre Action
Downloads 2,510
Size 2.49 G
Released May 23, 2006
4.5/5 (2 votes)
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When a General turns traitor, a planned attack on Nu Earth goes wrong, massacring Rogue’s comrades. The game begins with Rogue and his companions being launched from a drop ship. Because of the information leaked by the General, they come under fire from the North. The first mission after landing is a tutorial on how to use Rogue’s skills and Gunnar’s and Bagman’s Bio-chips. Helm’s third Bio-chip is delivered in a later mission. Bio-chips have unique abilities. Gunnar is attached to Rogue’s rifle and can serve as a sentry while Rogue flanks the enemy. Bagman looks after Rogue’s health and provides ammunition and upgrades for his equipment from salvage collected along the way. Helm is used to gaining access to computer consoles and panels, allowing Rogue to enter restricted areas. Rogue moves through the levels as quietly as possible, hoping to catch the Norts off guard with kill moves, but with the arsenal at his disposal, he can also unleash hell and go toe to toe with the enemy. In the final mission, Rogue eventually catches up with the traitor General, with a swarm of Norts attempting to stop him.

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