This version of Sakura Taisen, known as Atsuki Chishio Ni, is a reimagining of the original. Both the game’s narrative and the primary gameplay have been carried over from the game’s previous iteration. The fighting system has been upgraded to be compatible with the Dreamcast Sakura Taisen games, and the LIPS system has been added. The amount of pressure that you apply to the analog stick on the controller impacts how strongly you feel about your response. There is now a time constraint attached to the various dialogue choices.
Sakura Taisen: Atsuki Chishio Ni
Console | PS2 (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Sega Corporation |
Developer | Overworks |
Genre | Adventure , Strategy |
Downloads | 1,079 |
Size | 6.3 G |
Released | February 27, 2003 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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