The film The Seven Samurai, directed by Akira Kurosawa, inspired the video game Seven Samurai 20XX, a third-person, three-dimensional action game. As a fitting homage to the masterpiece, the video game has been developed with the assistance of Kurosawa Production and Hisao Kurosawa, the son of the late director Akira Kurosawa. Additionally, the game has received significant input from renowned artists worldwide, including the legendary artist and designer Moebius and the Academy Award–winning composer Ryuichi Sakamoto. Players are given an experience in Seven Samurai 20XX that captivates them with a combination of violent melee-style samurai fighting and an epic plot that transports the timeless storyline from the original game into the twenty-first century. The player assumes the position of Natoe, a young samurai tasked with fending off an army of mechanical animals and, in the end, recruiting six more warriors to assist him in defending the only city inhabited by humans. Natoe’s knowledge of the samurai way allows him to draw from a vast repertoire of swordplay styles, execute a wide range of single and double katana attacks, and extensive other maneuvers.
Seven Samurai 20xx
Console | PS2 (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Sammy |
Developer | Dimps |
Genre | Action |
Downloads | 2,755 |
Size | 2.55 G |
Released | April 30, 2004 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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