In the sequel to Silent Hill, titled Silent Hill 2, the player takes control of James Sunderland, whose life is turned upside down with the untimely passing of his young wife, Mary. After three years have passed, he receives a cryptic letter from Mary. In it, she urges him to return to where they shared their memories—the shadowy land of Silent Hill. You must lead James through entirely new surroundings and terrifying new locations unavailable in the first game. Frights that will stop your heart are brought to life with the help of real-time weather effects, fog, morphing, and shadows. Be courageous as you travel down the path of discovering the truth. The Director’s Cut of Silent Hill 2 is an improved game version. It includes everything in the previous version and some additional bits of content that were not in the last version. The most important addition is a new brief scenario called Born from a Wish. In this scenario, players assume control of Maria from the beginning of the game until she first appears in the main game. In addition, there is a sixth possible conclusion to the main storyline and an auxiliary function that allows the player to disable the graphical effect that gives the impression that the game was filmed using low-quality film stock.
Silent Hill 2: Director’s Cut
Console | PS2 (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Konami |
Developer | Team Silent |
Genre | Horror |
Region | Japan |
Downloads | 4,851 |
Size | 2.29 G |
Released | July 4, 2002 |
3.8/5 (6 votes)
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