In the not-too-distant future, a plague of parasitic monsters is moving throughout the known universe, consuming all of the resources in its path, even the far-flung outposts that humanity has established as their homes. The top-secret starship class known as Silpheed and the incredibly competent pilots who operate them are mankind’s sole hope for survival in this hostile universe. Blast your way through eight stages of frantic action that are driven by combos, using nine different types of fiery weapons that are unlocked as the player reaches new scoring plateaus. The creative gods at Game Arts and Treasure, who are responsible for the creation of Guardian Heroes, LUNAR: Silver Star Story COMPLETE, and Radiant Silvergun, have come up with the ideal blend of in-depth, adaptable gameplay and mesmerizing visuals in their latest creation. Destroy the terrible aliens before they can eat the planet we call home!
Silpheed: The Lost Planet
Console | PS2 (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Capcom , Working Designs |
Developer | Game Arts , Treasure |
Genre | Shooter |
Downloads | 4,614 |
Size | 250.46 M |
Released | April 27, 2001 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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